Animal Farm Chapter 1 Reading Reflection

After reading Chapter 1, please complete the tasks/answer the questions below on YOUR blog.

1) Write a summary of the chapter. What important events occur?

2) Old Major is an important figure to the animals. They all look up to him. But as Old Major explains in his speech, he is old and not likely to live long. Of the characters mentioned in the story so far, which do you think would be most likely to replace Old Major as leader? Why?

3) As we've discussed in class, Animal Farm is an allegory for the Russian Revolution. The characters in the story represent real people and events in Russia. What ideas do you have right now about who some of the characters represent. Think about...

  • Tsar Nicholas II
  • Vladimir Lenin
  • Russian nobility
  • Russian peasants
After you've added your thoughts to your blog, check out your classmates' blogs. Respond to at least one other classmate. Your response should be several thoughtful sentences long. Please do not simply write, I agree! Explain why you agree or disagree with a classmate. Add evidence to what someone wrote. Explain how someone changed or challenged your thinking.


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